
www.quiz.tv last night did anyone watch



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    bobbles69bobbles69 Posts: 74
    Forum Member
    who is watching quiz tv just now?? the 'B's Knees' is getting on my nerves!!!!!!!

    Anyone know the answer???
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    bobbles69bobbles69 Posts: 74
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    how the hell did there manage to be 97!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    HaydenHayden Posts: 32,968
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    Yes i was watching that damn colour ring as well.

    What was the answer? ( probably something stupid like 1 millions, cause we were supposed to count each edge of a line and the centre etc etc.)

    Thjis channels is so annoying yet so damn addicting because you have to watch it just to find out the answer.


    I HAD to stay up until 2.00 to find out the answer was something completely ridiculous like 2337.
    God knows how they got that.
    And then about 1 minute to two they scrapped it and gave all the money away on a ridiculously easy word game.
    What word comes after:
    Night, Golf and Football
    What a complete joke.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 153
    Forum Member
    Hmmm no way was there 197 diamonds

    Oh and surprise surprise it was Lisa from Glasgow with one of her outrageously high number picks.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2
    Forum Member
    I encountered this abomination of a channel two days ago (we have Telewest and the fascist gangsters have since expanded onto this sysytem) and had the same impressions as many of you; it was a "count the diamonds" task and the ticking clock and big monetary figure prominently displayed (only two of many many deceptive strategies) got me ashamedly excited for about 5 minutes. Fortunately I made no calls. At about the 10 minute mark my crap detector started howling.

    Anyway, I watched yesterday quite thoroughly. I tuned in at 4pm to a "Count all the rings" puzzle. I think it began about 2:15. Well periodically I checked back. 7pm, still going. 10pm, still going. 12am, still going!

    Twice, at 23:57, and 00:32, they had what they call a "Hot Hundred" (yet another strategy to encourage a flurry of calls. The producers no doubt roll this out when things get quiet). Suddenly, the lines went as silent as moonlight on a tombstone. Odd, since prior to this a call had been taken roughly at the rate of one a minute. The first "Hot Hundred" was won at 00:03 (6 minutes after it had begun) and the second at 00:40 (8 mins after it had begun).

    At 00:53 we were informed that only 10 further calls would be accepted. Oddly the pace slows down substantially again; we're talking one call every 2 mins roughly. But immediately hereafter, at 01:11, they launch yet another Hot Clock, and 3 callers get through within the first 30 seconds!

    Ah, and we were told every 15 mins "somebody has to win this money. That's the great thing about Quiz TV, the money has to be won!" Funny statement to make at 1am, I thought, when a puzzle had been running since 2 in the afternoon, with hundreds of callers and not a correct answer among them. Oh but then at 1:52 the meathead presenter declared all was up, but not to worry! The cash would be carried over to the next puzzle, which by some miracle was utterly simple! (Is my cynicism showing?) Yet, despite the simplicity...not a single call! Bizarre! 7 minutes go by and voila somebody gets through, and it's a correct answer first attempt! The answer, by the way, was 234. 234. 234. Yeah.

    A little research reveals that this nauseating farce is the work of an American company, HSN (Home Shopping Network), that, according to Yahoo Finance,, upped their revenue this year by 12% (that's $11.4 million dollars), "due primarily to increased revenues at HSE-Germany and the addition of HSN's new Quiz TV business in the U.K., which was launched in June 2004."

    HSN, by the way, also brings us Ibuy, a shopping channel run largely by those weasels from AuctionWorld who managed to escape a fraud conviction. More here. Something definitely doesn't smell right.

    If this is legal, regulatory priorities are laughably misplaced. We must lock up those who use cannabis as pain relief for terminal conditions but Quiz TV are happily allowed to go fleece credulous little old ladies across the nation.

    I encourage you all to complain to ICSTIS. Maybe no action can be taken but it's only 15 minutes out of your life to make a complaint.

    Oh, and this may be interesting to the detective types amongst us. It relates to nation217, not quiztv, but gosh and by golly doesn't it sound familiar???
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
    Forum Member
    now this channel i think is even worse..

    £1 an entry... i've watched it occasionally, only got through once today on the web entry (i've never rang as i was watching i worked out it was a con) but for the LENGTH of time a quiz has been on the tv, i think this channel will win

    I think i flicked over at about 10.40 this morning, and they had a couple of easy short quizzes, anagram quizzes that people actually won..

    around 11am, they put up their quizzle (as they call it), and couldn't be bothered watching it, i flicked over and watched the cricket...

    I did keep going back to the channel, and lo and behold, no one had won the quiz..

    its now nearly midnight... THE SAME QUIZ IS STILL ON THE TV...
    and just so we can rack our brains together and one of us win £1400, i'll tell you what it is

    Number of days in four weeks.
    Number of dots on a double 6 domino
    Number of playing cards in one deck, after removing the Kings, (No Jokers in the deck).
    Number of faces on eleven dice.
    Square root of 81.

    anyone know the answer?
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    Sheba's collarSheba's collar Posts: 1,438
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    This has been on since 11 am!!!! I first saw it at 6pm and its still on.This is scandalous.Someone on here was going to write to OFFCOM,did they get anywhere?
    £1,800 is going begging.....
    How can the presenters so boldly lie.It would be some comfort if they told you how they arrived at the answer!
    Im addicted to this ongoing saga now.Id never ring up,but I tune in every day!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,359
    Forum Member
    I tried out an experiment on one of the quiz channels a few weeks ago:

    The question was a picture of someones eyes. Unlilke the 'how many' style questions, in this case there was no doubt that the correct answer was David Bowie. It became quite clear that if you text/phone in with the correct answer you don't get called back.... but when I texted in with a wrong answer - i.e. 'Paul McCartney', they call you back.

    When they call you back you're told not to change your answer and that your entry is void if you do. I tried giving the answer Bowie to the telephonist who put me on hold, then cut me off. I tried again anothe night and gave McCartney as my answer and got on air. However on the telly I gave the answer as 'David Bowie' (despite giving the answer paul mccartney to the telephonist) and the presenter said that I hadn't won because 'I'd changed my answer' (would have loved to have heard the studio talkback as I went on air and ruined their competition!)

    This 'question' had been on-air for quite a while and I'd seen it on-air a few times before hand..... but when I turned back to the channel about 10 minutes after going on air, they'd moved onto another question. This makes me wonder if: they scrapped the question because I'd given the game away, they actually accepted a winner , or they got an employee to phone up and 'win' the prize

    The channels are completely corrupt.....and there's nothing OFCOM can do about it
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
    Forum Member
    I tried out an experiment on one of the quiz channels a few weeks ago:

    The question was a picture of someones eyes, quite obviously they were David Bowies (unlilke the 'how many' style questions, there was no doubt about the correct answer). It became quite clear that If you text/phone in with the correct answer you don't get called back.... but when I texted in with the answer 'Paul McCartney' they called me back.

    When they call you back you're told not to change your answer and that your entry is void if you do. I tried giving the answer Bowie to the telephonist who put me on hold, then cut me off. I tried again anothe night and gave McCartney as my answer and got on air. However on the telly I gave the answer as 'David Bowie' (despite giving the answer paul mccartney to the telephonist) and the presenter said that I hadn't won because 'I'd changed my answer' (would have loved to have heard the studio talkback as I went on air and ruined their competition!)

    This 'question' had been on-air for quite a while and I'd seen it on-air a few times before hand..... but when I turned back to the channel about 10 minutes after going on air, they'd moved onto another question. This makes me wonder if: they scrapped the question because I'd given the game away, they actually accepted a winner , or they got an employee to phone up and 'win' the prize

    The channels are completely corrupt.....and there's nothing OFCOM can do about it

    that is sneaky... you've basically proved that, that particular channel doesn't want anyone to win..

    well done in spoiling the quiz.. pity it costs money to do that otherwise it'd be great fun if more of us do it (web entry??)

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 249
    Forum Member
    marky07931 wrote:

    Number of days in four weeks.
    Number of dots on a double 6 domino
    Number of playing cards in one deck, after removing the Kings, (No Jokers in the deck).
    Number of faces on eleven dice.
    Square root of 81.

    anyone know the answer?

    Final answer was apparently 10,449. No-one got it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87
    Forum Member
    stevebrown wrote:
    I know most probably aren't interested, but this is bugging me now! I've managed to make 13920 using the roman numeral method!

    I got that too, everytime i do this quiz using roman numerals i always get over what they get, strangely!
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    SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970
    Forum Member
    StewMc wrote:
    Final answer was apparently 10,449. No-one got it.

    i know... i actually watched til they gave the answer. using the roman numeral method, i got 11826, but i rushed the whole thing

    maybe there is some way that some of the roman numerals are negatives... something to look into tomorrow i think
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    Huch'netHuch'net Posts: 5,981
    Forum Member
    I tried out an experiment on one of the quiz channels a few weeks ago:

    The question was a picture of someones eyes. Unlilke the 'how many' style questions, in this case there was no doubt that the correct answer was David Bowie. It became quite clear that if you text/phone in with the correct answer you don't get called back.... but when I texted in with a wrong answer - i.e. 'Paul McCartney', they call you back.

    When they call you back you're told not to change your answer and that your entry is void if you do. I tried giving the answer Bowie to the telephonist who put me on hold, then cut me off. I tried again anothe night and gave McCartney as my answer and got on air. However on the telly I gave the answer as 'David Bowie' (despite giving the answer paul mccartney to the telephonist) and the presenter said that I hadn't won because 'I'd changed my answer' (would have loved to have heard the studio talkback as I went on air and ruined their competition!)

    This 'question' had been on-air for quite a while and I'd seen it on-air a few times before hand..... but when I turned back to the channel about 10 minutes after going on air, they'd moved onto another question. This makes me wonder if: they scrapped the question because I'd given the game away, they actually accepted a winner , or they got an employee to phone up and 'win' the prize

    The channels are completely corrupt.....and there's nothing OFCOM can do about it

    LOOOOOL, that is very funny! :D:D Well done!!!

    I myself, have recently found myself watching this pathetic channel, sure I don't fall for things like this but for some sadistic reason once I start watching I can't stop, I have to know the answer!

    It just shows what a scam the channel is, something really needs doing! However, it does provide me with my dose of crack, I mean, the other night I watched some old dear rang up LIVE on TVabout her cheque not arriving, the presented kept saying "What's your answer lovey" :D
    Then there was the guy who got through whilst shouting "SHUT UP!!" and then there's the endless people that put down the phone once they get though, is this not just a bit too suspicious?

    Forgot to add, that I am tempted to ring up and when I get through say....

    <In old mans voice> my...answer is...


    Just for the fun of it of course... :D
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    Pacman1854Pacman1854 Posts: 1,380
    Forum Member
    Unguided wrote:
    Hmmm no way was there 197 diamonds

    Oh and surprise surprise it was Lisa from Glasgow with one of her outrageously high number picks.

    How the h*ll did they get 197??

    There were perhaps half a dozen cards on the screen. I got perhaps 32 or 33.

    Am I missing something? :confused:
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    stevebrownstevebrown Posts: 1,943
    Forum Member
    The channels are completely corrupt.....and there's nothing OFCOM can do about it
    Why is there nothing OFCOM/watchdogs can do about the channels?

    Although QuizTV are being genuine in as much as stating questions and giving the right answers (would they dare give the wrong ones?), no-one knows the goalposts of the questions, and I beleive this is where watchdogs could intervene.

    Referring to the Honey Money question stated before, there are so many answers you can get depending on how literally you take the question and what it means. For example, it says "Count the value of the numbers in the text." In one sense, there is only 1 number - the E3000, so the answer could be 1, but then you have worded numbers (sixty for example), then numbers within words - Honey, numbers split accross words - FiFi verify, roman numerals etc, the list goes on. Without knowing what goalposts QuizTV use on each question, how can anyone possibly get the right answer without masses amount of luck?

    The £25k jackpot is almost impossible to win too - get the 4 digit combination right and you win - hang on though, aren't 4 digit combinations hard to guess, therefore secure - why else do we have them as PIN numbers?

    With no obvious goalposts on the questions and no hints given (even cyrptic ones would help) as time passes with each question, surely this is a system that relevant watchdogs could investigate? Maybe not TV watchdogs, but what about Gambling or Competitions watchdogs?
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    MarkyMarky Posts: 628
    Forum Member
    I am going to sit down today and work out exactly how ttv got 10449 last night.. i'm sure there is a way to work it out, and i just gotta get my brain in gear.. hehe..

    ttv's jackpot does seem easier to win the quiz tvs though.. mainly because it is 50/50 that you win.. (but you have to win 7 times to actually get the jackpot)

    these channels are all as bad as each other IMO
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    oscardelahoyaoscardelahoya Posts: 4,902
    Forum Member
    Pacman1854 wrote:
    How the h*ll did they get 197??

    There were perhaps half a dozen cards on the screen. I got perhaps 32 or 33.

    Am I missing something? :confused:

    Yes the diamonds have borders therefore making more diamonds
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1
    Forum Member
    Does anyone know what answer they came up with last night on the
    'Seeing red' game?
    You know it's a con, but you still have to watch!
    I hope this channel does not stay on air long, as I am wasting my life staring
    at a picture which hardly changes. Crazy!
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    Pacman1854Pacman1854 Posts: 1,380
    Forum Member
    Yes the diamonds have borders therefore making more diamonds

    Sorry for being a bit dim, but how many borders did they have to make 197?

    Whichever way you divide 197, I can't come up with a whole number.

    Were there half-diamonds (and aren't they called triangles)? :rolleyes:
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    oscardelahoyaoscardelahoya Posts: 4,902
    Forum Member
    Dont have a clue who this celebrity is - on now

    And no there aren't triangles
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2
    Forum Member
    What was the answer to the celebrity cut-up this afternoon? Looked like Gwen Stefani to me but someone tried it and to no avail.

    What astonishes me is that nobody ever calls in and says..."my answer is that you are the utter scum of the earth; the most despicable collection of ragtag fascist gangsters..." or ideally something more offensive than that.

    Last night we had the same "this money has to be won tonight!" line repeated endlessly. How can they say such a thing when a puzzle has been running for 7 hours with no resolution, and the time is 01:40? Well, because every evening must be brought to an end with a primary-school level question. It's all part of the strategy.

    I think perhaps Ofcom can become involved. I quote from Ofcom bulletin no.38:
    Road Sign Quiz
    Nation 217, 16 May 2005, 23.00

    A competition involved viewers being shown a number of road signs and asked to call a premium rate telephone number to identify those that were incorrect. A complainant claimed that all the signs shown were correct and therefore that the competition could not be won.

    Nation 217 told us that in such competitions, a number of common road signs are displayed on screen, with some slightly changed. On this occasion, however, the ‘answer’ slide was displayed, showing all the correct road signs. Shortly into the competition the mistake was spotted, the game removed and a new puzzle started. However, during the competition, a caller had claimed that none of the signs were incorrect. At the time, this had been discounted as a wrong answer. Following a post show review, this entrant was contacted and sent a cheque for £250, the prize that
    had been offered at the time of their call, and all subsequent callers were refunded their call costs. The broadcaster added that it had put new systems in place to
    ensure the error was not repeated.

    While the broadcaster had clearly made a mistake, the competition had been won
    retrospectively. We welcomed the action taken by the broadcaster and its assurance
    concerning future output. This satisfactorily resolved the matter.
    Complaint resolved
    Did quiz.tv not have the precise same puzzle? I recall seeing a screenshot. I also read the other day a post on another forum (sadly I can't find it now) wherein the poster stated he'd managed to get his money back from one of these channels because he'd managed to show that their puzzle was horribly flawed. What assurance do we have that the exact same thing isn't going on here, considering how they just don't reveal how they come to work out their answers?
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    oscardelahoyaoscardelahoya Posts: 4,902
    Forum Member
    They aren't exactly the same puzzles just the same idea.

    The celebrity was Tori Spelling, someone won it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,359
    Forum Member
    stevebrown wrote:
    Why is there nothing OFCOM/watchdogs can do about the channels?

    With no obvious goalposts on the questions and no hints given (even cyrptic ones would help) as time passes with each question, surely this is a system that relevant watchdogs could investigate? Maybe not TV watchdogs, but what about Gambling or Competitions watchdogs?

    I think that's the problem... it falls between the juristriction of OFCOM, who give them the license to broadcast, and ICSTIS, who regulate premium rate phone lines.

    It should really be OFCOM that deals with these channels, but I suspect they'll bat it over to ICSTIS who will deny responsibility and so on
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,359
    Forum Member
    marky07931 wrote:
    that is sneaky... you've basically proved that, that particular channel doesn't want anyone to win..

    well done in spoiling the quiz.. pity it costs money to do that otherwise it'd be great fun if more of us do it (web entry??)

    Indeed, it cost a few quid (i was at my parents - who have Sky and I was bored!) but it was very useful to see how these things work.

    It's not so easy with the puzzle type questions as the answer is flexible... they quite obviously make it up as they go along.

    However for the easy ones such as a celebrity photo or a 'hangman' style missing letters game where the answer is bleeding obvious it is very easy to work out exactly what the scam is
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,359
    Forum Member
    What was the answer to the celebrity cut-up this afternoon? Looked like Gwen Stefani to me but someone tried it and to no avail.

    What astonishes me is that nobody ever calls in and says..."my answer is that you are the utter scum of the earth; the most despicable collection of ragtag fascist gangsters..." or ideally something more offensive than that.

    It's worth a try as the channel I've been on air on didn't have a dump-delay to stop such a thing happening..... but they are very very quick on the cut off button!
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